Saturday, August 25, 2007

Persia Please

If you were to create an animated movie but quite can't match up with the sophistication (and resources) of Pixar and Dreamworks, what do you do? Here's a movie that proves that 2D can still be pleasurable viewing by using ingenious framing, intelligent humor and a political storyline. Persepolis delights with the story of a little girl who grows up in a family Marxist intellectuals in a country where there is a cultural police. Funny and educating, this movie, based on a comic book, is true story of its author as she struggles to find her self amidst political and social chaos plus loving and supportive family that surrounds her.

This movie is well directed and I like the scenes when the women come home and remove their required public dress and lazily throw them on the floor like a big relief. We also get a quick, animated history lesson of Iran and kinda explains why it and the rest of world are the way they are today. Persopolis is not all about the US nor any politics. Its dark and funny and touching. The subtitles may sometimes be difficult to read against the black and white animation.

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